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How to Brighten Up Community Centre Advertising

Managing the advertising of your community centre can be a costly affair and in many scenarios, it is largely a waste of everyone’s time. Committees spend a lot of time delegating task, and individual invests a lot of time in getting it right, and the advertising falls on deaf ears. So how can we combat this to ensure any form of advertising is a resounding success? Change your design style If your advertising looks a little dull, it could be because it is. Maybe your brand colours aren’t right or your current advertising style doesn’t accurately portray who you are. Whatever the reason, it may be time decide to give it a makeover. Changing the design style of your current advertising is a big task and one that will involve everyone but the long-term benefits could be huge. Invest in poster cases It may be that it’s not what you’re displaying but how. Are your adverts somewhat uninspiring? Maybe you need to rethink how you display them. Poster cases are a great so

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